What are Billiards games?
Lovers of a billiard, behold! Great variety of billiard games is available online! The main mechanics is understood – you have to hit the balls with the cue to drive them into the hole. The rest is optional: there can be a time limitation to finish the game, or a number of hits, one-player or multi-player game, you can follow the strict rules like hitting the lowest-numbered ball on the table or have a free play; you can be fined for driving the white or the black balls into holes (ahead of time for the black one, at least), and many other stuff.
The mechanics of the game varies too. The most part of free online billiard games is done in a way to have the standstill table and rotating cue. However, this is not always the unchangeable attribute – the cue may be a standstill, while the table will rotate. 2D or 3D is also often met – and their division is rather 50/50, as it isn’t that hard to implement a 3D game even if it is free online one.
The size of balls compared to the table’s can be different, from insanely small to huge. The table can have a rectangle form or other (for instance, a trapeze or a circle).
Besides, not all billiards games actually do have a necessity to drive the balls into holes. With a cue. Some of them only take some part of these properties. For instance, a player can connect the same-colored balls to score: as many he hits, the same big score will be. No holes, no cue in this game. The others may be gathering the same-colored balls into the line to make them disappear when collected 5, for instance. There’s also a billiard snake – the snake eating balls growing bigger on the table.
The ambiance of the game changes as well – tables are of the most presence as the gaming background but options are not infrequent too: the sea, some futuristic stuff, fighting heroes, and so on.
Features of free online Billiards games
- billiard is one of the most non-diverse games – it is hard to imagine or invent something principally new, it always stays pretty the same: a ball, a cue, and a number of holes to hit
- if it differs, then it isn’t a thing called billiard anymore – it’s some other game that uses its balls or a table as a part of own ambiance/process, like a snake/puzzle, a liner or whatever.