Pretty much all games have a concept of obstacle: without it, it would not be interesting to play a game. Any game, in fact. We could say that there are only some games, which do not have an obstacle concept implemented: color-ups (paint games), dress-up, makeup & makeover. As for the rest, the obstacles are present and they are such:
• in free obstacle games of jigsaw type, a jigsaw broken into pieces is the primary obstacle, which you overcome by collecting a holistic picture
• in runners, these are the terrain asperities, like elevations, ravines, up-hills and down-hills, walls, spikes, rivers, foes, rocks, locked doors… Anything, basically, that would prevent a character to progress the level smoothly
• the platformers are basically the same although they utilize not just running but also jumping
• in shooters, where a protagonist moves through levels, it, he, or she usually shoots at inevitable enemies and wrecks the dangers, which might lead to hurting or killing of that protagonist. These freely playable obstacle games are actually one of the most popular in the world today and, on par with car racers, they were the first arcade games in the world (created in the 1970s and 1980s).
• in the puzzle-type or task-type games obstacles are represented by the need to perform some task by solving a riddle given the limited resources to do that (limited time or moves, prohibition to touch the walls of a ‘bottleneck’, etc.)
• in various endless or looped hyper-casual games, obstacles are the choices that protagonists have to make: like, whether a guy or gal has to run here or there, utilize this it that… The visual examples of these are such online obstacle games to play as ‘High Heels 2 Online’, ‘Run Rich 3D — Make Me Rich’, or ‘Going Balls 2022’.
To successfully play games and live a life, treat obstacles as something you must overcome in order to move on. Don’t allow them to stop you or refrain from your initial goals. Especially, to refrain from your dreams. Because dreams live in our hearts while obstacles are given to us for the sake of making us understand how precious these dreams are.