Time is a very important logical, philosophical, and physical concept. What is highly odd about it is that we can’t actually measure time, see or feel it. Yes, we did come up with hours, seconds, minutes, and other units to measure the movement of its forward motion on Earth’s surface and in space, using a clock. But we cannot actually measure its speed, weight, physical parameters, vector, strength, field, or any other power or feature. All we know today is that time exists as a concept and that it moves forward but cannot move backward. And that it is everywhere on our planet, Solar System, and the universe. But we don’t know why it is so and how come it has that speed as it has and whether it is changeable without huge gravity or not. Oh, and we know it started one day. We cannot see it with our eyes, we cannot feel it with our sensory feelings — we only know it’s here, around, everywhere. Doesn’t it feel somewhat frustrating and even scary that we cannot measure something that exists for sure? There is a bunch of other questions connected to time as a phenomenon and we currently can’t solve them with modern-day physics. An example of that question is that: if a particle moves with light speed and we know that time stops at that speed, does it mean that this particular particle lives without time and that it does neither age nor change? Our personal opinion about time is that time is the dark matter and/or dark energy, which also exist but we know nothing about them for sure but the fact that the dark matter has mass and gravity. Time could have them, too, on a large scale. Think about that, it’s truly interesting.
Meanwhile, when you’ll be thinking, you can entertain yourself by playing our timing online games. We have a broad collection of online timing games to play to spend leisure, have fun, or just have them as a background of your thoughts about the matter that we wrote above or anything else, which currently captivates your mind. Playing free timing games, you will find out about how time precision is useful in everyday life and learn how to become a more time-fitting and time-planning person.